Please throw your thing to say to me here DONT EVEN TRY AT MY BACK COUSE U CAN WRITE IT HERE DUDE!!

Cliks here please to get free pen to write freely here!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

harI2 yG akU doakaN...

kelazataN duniA yG akU sedarI...
qiamulaiL, bertemU sahabaT, daN solaT berjemaaH...
qiaM banguN, aL-laiL malaM...
qiaMulaiL membuaT ibadaH...
berjumapA sahabaT yG berfaedaH...
solaT berjemaaH...
padakU yG jaranG melakukannyA...
walauapapuN akU perlU...
hiduP yG bagaikaN kiraaN saaT...
bilA2 sahajA dI sanA-sinI...
akU taK perlU pertolongaN manusiA...
akU perlU berdoA, sujuD daN redhA hadapinyA...
akU taK dpT elaknyA lG...
setiaP kalI akU dapaT bersolaT...
akU bersyukuR...
daN akU haraP waktU solaT seterusnyA...
akU dapaT lakukannyA dengaN ikhlaS...
harI2 kU yanG kU haraP... amin ya Allah S.W.T...




  1. There a lot of thing happen n just usually there a lot of thing to say hehe!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

the day of shameless thing i saw

a beautiful day
a strong wind like it gonna be hurricane
a good weather like it gonna turn to storm
a boring day like it gonna turn to emotional day
i guess it maybe just necessary to think in every day
but just those day i were so rage & so wild
let anger set it free
just feel so good like breathing good fresh air
when killing is easy than breath
when fear become fierce
when friend become tread
when feel my world really shake like an earth quake
when things become annoy that you want to scream to them
let it be
let it free
even you know they no hope
there no winning
but a man you are to be
when you stand by your feet sayin your rights
that someone take it from you
make you feel your pride been take by a laugh
can you take it simple just keep it away
thats not me
i rather die like curt cobaine in anarchy way
living in coward or die in man you are
you have rights to chose
so the truth has fall in front a me
the person he were so coward & silence
shameless to describe a man or a boy he are
when i saw him just piece of junk to me
not to underestimate him
but the truth in front of me dude

the coward person that i thought before were man

wonder yesterday...
just a boring evening...
i started to think something to do..
maybe best listen to music with high volume or loud..
to bring my attitude ahahaha..
then i started to find a speaker or maybe to lend it from my friends or someone near...
so i go the room that i thought that have speaker..
then i was Male(his nickname in malay)
importunity the boys with yell say it doesn't have speaker..
it really piss me off dude..
but the help that he made to me maybe i give chance to forgive...
but it was the last time of forgiveness..
it came to be the will be rough or wild..
then start to look again the next room..
there the speaker that i have look for...
then i ask the boy in the room..
then the permission i have it to take the speaker..
so i just get out of the room, toward to my room..
before that there a boys i know call murad..
then he started to ask me..
then i say i want to lend it..
but he said i was want to stole the speaker..
what in hell was that word..
i started to be really mad.. of him,
his face n eye really have something to settle about
so i put back the speaker..
so it deal time with the fucking boys..with annoy face looking at me..
so i started to yell n ask him to go outside of the room to settle
like man attitude i were with fierce in heart to crash him in piece..
but the coward he are in front of me..silence
it really piss me off
i thought he was a man but just coward boy he are..
shameless to describe of him...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

somthing that u might think im just crazy or looser!!!

life is pISS(hehe when there no music arround)
life is grade
life is fun(funny)
life is greed

love is fun(funny)
love is piss
love is everywhere(in toilet??)
love cant help(helpless or useless)
love cant win(loser??? or it hard??)
makin love is fun (why keep away just say it)
love is about feeling(why not share, or for perfect one to you)
love is around(why they still have tear of pain in their face n heart)
love is apart of us(why there still we hurtin people that defenseless with bullet)
love is between u n me(why then someone or more between us)
love is giving(why we keep away from the one that need)
(why keep ur virginity where there's a lot of opportunity ahaks)

look around u there is answer u will find
seek for answer from every lie from begininig around u not wisdom anymore


life is peace


Thursday, April 2, 2009


Being Punk

Being punk is more than just what you where

It is how you look and how you think

How you act and how you enjoy your life

How you stand up to the man and take him down a peg

Being Punk is in your heart and it is displayed through your actions

Learn more about this author, Adam Smith.

SO you don't belong?
You don't fit in?
Nobody understands you and
You don't understand anybody?
Well, join the movement
Wear the uniform
Wear it with pride
Without shame
Without self-awareness
Without integrity
And no sense of irony.
Spike that hair up
Extra strong; extra tall
Just to show the world

How different you are.
Burn the flag, steal a car
Spit in public, wear a scowl
Rebel against the state
Rebel against authority
Rebel against your friends
Rebel against yourself
Don't let them take you alive
Battle till the bitter end.
You non-conformists are all the same
You versus the world is it?
Wake up.
Live in the modern world
Leave the past alone
To rest in its shallow grave
And instead of reviving
Hackneyed clichs and
Conforming to a non-conformist doctrine
Word for word, letter for letter,
Make your own rules
Your very own manifesto
That you promise the humble citizens
Of the province of "You" to follow
Every day without excuses or failure.
Don't put the "act" in activist;
DO something if you're pissed off
With the way things are run,
Or how many people go hungry
Every day whilst you eat a three course meal
And sleep on a full stomach of bile.
And if you don't feel strongly enough
To do anything about it, other than
Write lyrics that anybody with half
A brain could think of and apply to
A simple A/B/A/B structure
Then just don't complain.
Don't buy into the subculture
That they once called punk,
Because every penny that you bleed
Funds the commercialism of
Something that supposedly lives
And thrives underground.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
Then just don't play the game.

Learn more about this author, Matt Morgan-Rawes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

joke KER????

life is peace
toothpaste for dinner

punk gig wohooo

hmm ntah aku memeng x sbr nk g gig punk...
gua mmg simpan sial semenye
sampy kt sane mmg aku lps seme yg terpendam
mmg gle lah kt sane mane yg punker or punk gurl roger2 lah ahahahaha
thats will be great night u know that what we do....

pantai indah

hmm another poem ahahahah

janji ku tunai kn????

kha utk org yg janjikan utk hadiah kn sebuah puisi,
aku bkn x brani nk face n read kt dpn die tp byk kontrozersi..
korang nie bab bercakap buruk kn org yg baik x ptut...
so aku mcm nak jauhi dr die
kesian nnt org ckp bkn3 kt die..
so this for u as im promise to u

dress hri senin hri tue ahahahaha

hmm ahahaha hari senin hri tu..
aku pun x tahu nape... mungkin sbb aku nk pKAI sgt bju hitam long sleve
mesti korang rse mcm kelakar
bju kemeja long sleve, tie mcm emas ckit
lepas tu kodroi warna perak
rase mcm kelakar ble org tgk aku tercengang ahaha
ape2 jer lah peduli aper aku
bukan aku gune duit diorg, ckp blkg blh lh
ckp dpn ah ahahaha
penakut ahahahaha


hmmm bru bagi aku utk megenali
lame ku dgr sblm memahami
aku x ksh ape yg org nk ckp tntg anarchy dgn aku
x ksh lh bertentang dgn seseuatu amalan
sbb yg ckp tu pn x sdr seharian melakukan bertentang dgn amalan
hidup yg sbg punk
hidup tanpe sempadan
fucking system
fucking red neck
do chaos n fight for fun
explode your feeling by know ur right
pure anarchy or punk doesnt exist in me n other
we just poser by do liltle ideology by punk
now punk just music how sad it is..
no originallity but it their rights to do that
saying im punk band but im just do my music not lifestyle
im punk but not anarchy...
all this by saying by them...
life just boring if like that so wake up n strike back
like empire strike back... life can be change...

Friday, March 27, 2009

hari yg pling shit ahahahaha

huhu hri nie mmg hri bahagia aku...mcm dh lps dr seme cengkaman...
sebelum nie mcm palat gle...tido mcm kalo blh x nk...
nk siapkn kerja n nk study 4 test n present 4 group...fuh...
hri ni aku kne present beb kt dpn....
subjek imd 253 lak tu, cik rabiatul pnyer kls...
gle cuak aku...last minute pnyer kerja kot...
phm2 jer lah dier pnyer gampang....
ingtkn bdk group aku dh sedia kn slide...
blh lak diamkn diri...fuh mcm nk jerit jer pukul 1 td...
tp bende dh aku kne gak get ready n standby...
dgn kerja kelam kabut... aku x hafal ape2 pn, just paham sendiri...
so ble present mmg teruk ah....
lecturer siap nk aku wat blik...nsib baik fendi stand up do the summary...
kre selamat lah oi x yah wat dr ctu aku dh tahu aku present mmg truk lah...
so aku agk peluang aku hanya kt Q&A je kot...
aku just push jer Question...smpy cik rabiatul x dpt nk tambah lg markah aku
ahahaha org yg aku tanyer lak dpt markah...
so dr c tu aku tahu markah aku kre blh nk idup huhuhu...
so ader gak suara halus kt blkg tu ejek aku...kre aku x dpt markah for my question...
jeales kot..aku jer tnyer...lah x msk pn kt kpla aku...
so mse aku nk blh dr kelas...cik rabiatul kt sblh aku n say tahniah....ahahahahahaha
wow aku mcm nk jerit gembira...sbb sblum ni x der lg dier ckp tahniah kt sesiape walaupun perfect presentation...ahahaha

Sunday, March 22, 2009

aku bru tahu rahsia roomate aku....shhshshs...rahsia...

aku bru trsdar ader 3 bong kt blik huhhu byk x....????
korang msti ingt benda lain kan atau brg ker atau stuff...???
yg tahu tue silence plzzzz.. or dgr bnyi siren lari lah...
roomate aku sme nyer ank mak bpak....seme bongsu....ahahahaha

ade aper dgn dier???

hah ni nak cete...kalo org just msg awk ble dier prlukan awk jer...
n bler awk tnyer khbr atau perlukan dier....
dier wat bodoh... n minta maaf ble dia msg n perlukan aku lak mse tu...
hmmm aku mcm 40-60 nk contact dier lg...
aku rase nk menyepi diri dri dier jer lah...
hmm lbh kurang ak dier ade x de....

ilham??? name org ker ??

hri nie aku tgk citer Dont back Down....fuh mcm fight club...
citer sbnrnya yg aku tgk, sbnrya bkn dier bergaduh yg aku nmpak tp maksud knape jd dier brgaduh...
msg yg dier nk pesan kn..ahahahaha lbh kurng mcm arrival lah ahahahaha...
hmmm byk gak lah aku tahu dri arrival...dunia yg aku x nampak...
byk membantu mencari erti lain tp bkn mcm arrival...
ahahaha kalo korang tahu tgk tahu lah tafsir sendiri...
hmmm aku kdang2 tgh duk dgn kwn2 mesti tnyer lpas belajar ko sambung kt ner ek.....
tp aku msih 50-50 lg nk sambung...
tp trima ksih cik rabiatul dier bgi aku ihlam knpe aku perlu smbung..
tp alsan dier bri x sme mcm alsan aku...
aku just nk cri kerja...lbh kpd librarian atau arkib ker...
aku x suka baca buku tp aku suke blek buku...
kalo hbs awl kls tu...aku akn ker unit jernal...
aku akan belek2 buku tue walaupn aku dh bce..
aku pn x tahu naper....hehehe nk kter ade awek kt ctu...
2 3 org jer kot...
tp aku perasan sorang minah ni mcm ni jg kot...
tp mls nk tafsir org...


hmm...smlm best gler aku mkn kuah teow hong kong kt kutaq corner...
first smpy kul 6 diorg lum bkak lg, so aku tnyer kwn aku amuk nk stay lg ke x..
dier blh lak tnyer aku, sbb aku slalu tnyer org, x prnh tnyer dri sndri..
mungkin dier prasan kot...sbb pd aku, aku blh brade di mane2 situasi,
but sometimes it hard n painful...
tp mmg berbaloi aku tgu dgn lg pg just mkn roti jer...
fuh mcm menang motor...
tmpt dier mmg lapang, nk mkn pn tenang...
tp... mse mkn tu aku terdengar org goreng beb..
peh sedap gler....aku pn rse x tenteram mcm nk react..
dier goreng guitar beb kt radio...peh mmg best lah time mkn hri tue...
band dier blh lak aku luper nme dier...aduh......aku terlepas lg stu sentuhan seni lg....ahggggggghhhhh
fuh lps blik campus, aku bru tringat psl bisness nasi grg kg kn..
aku ckp kt amuk sruh servey uptown..
mase smpy tu cuak gak kdai x bkak..
tp tgk ader lampu lg kt dlm kdai first tu..
tgk mcm nk tutup jer....lincah trus tnyer...
die kte blh jer kalo nk tempah...
hmm bincang dgn rankan kongsi aku...
dier on start jual 30 dlu lh rm2.00
sbbb sblum nie pn aku ader jual nsi grg kg...laku gler..
tp aku x syok lah amik duit kt diorg nie..
sbb nasi tue skit sgt lah...x der rencah lak tu...
so aku cri lah alternatif lain...kt uptown...hehe

Friday, March 20, 2009

family potrait

hmm bangun pg td rase mcm nk t do blik jer...
p k kn test kne g gak..walaupn aku x bce stu bende x bce..
still bingung abg aku msk kn duit utk aku, itu mmg merunsingkn!!!
tp yg aku moody sgt hri nie.. ble aku dgr lgu family potrait dr pink...
aku x tahu nk tafsir kn perasaan aku mase tu..
hmm tp mmg rase nk nagis pn ader...
kalo korang ader family potret tue simpan lah baik2..
mcm kwn aku byk ader simpan kt laptop diorg..
aku pn rase nk jg,
tp aku kne cmtum gmbr2 trpsh n trkoyak yg msih ader aku simpan n pungut..
gmbr mmg melambangkn realiti keadeaan kn..........................

Thursday, March 19, 2009

mlm d muar

so penutup gig hri tue ade band metal closing mmg gempak,
still die main stu lgu jer adui3.. dier kter polis dah ka c amaran suruh closing..
ape lah rednenck...fuck the system n do chaos..ahaha yg phm tue phm jer lah...
aku dah terpengaruh dah ahahaha..slc tue mmg gle..
so bus nak blik ni kul6 ptg gig hbs kul 11.30
fuh ovenight lah kteorg kt bndr segamat nie...
so aku rancang nk stay kt bus station jer..tebu pn sokong gua gak..
so yg best nyer bus stand nie dkt dgn sungai muar.. fuh sejuk beb angin tiup..
tp lme2 yg x best nyer nyamuk lak jd peramah gle kt kteorg aduh...
so aku trus p k cri pot...
tbe2 aku tgk ader chaya terang kt stu bangunan tue..
aku lak leh tnyer tebu chaya tue surau ker???
aku pn x sangka bleh tnayer cmtu lak???
sblm sampai bustand...tebu ader cadang suruh stay kt surau..
tp aku tahu sgt..surau n masjid tentu tutup punyer...
lh aku dah bnyk akli stay over night kt luar...
yg pling best aku t do kt kaki lima pam minyak kn..
ahahaaha kte A....hehe short form jer bhy...
so aku x tahu nape ble tgk chaya dri bangunan tue aku dpt agk ader surau dlm bangunan tu..
n yg olik nyer..aku dpt rase msih bukak pintu nyer...
mcm ader sesuatu berbisik di celah tiupan angin bayu..huhu
bukan cklai jer xprience bende nie..cume yakin x yakin jer...
so kte org pn survey bangunan tue..sunyi beb..
tbe2 dgr bunyi org berasmara lak..aduh takut pn ader..stim pn ader...
ape2 pn kteorg x g tgk...ckp siang tgk2, ckp mlm dgr2..
fuh..trus naik tingkat ats round...aduh tebu leh nk tangkap gmbr lak..
cuak gak nk amik gmbr tgh mlm kul 12 kt bangunan ksg lak 2..
ambil jer smpy stu pintu tu..glp gle...
tebu ckp tu aku mcm x ykin still surau ker???
so bkak2 jer tgk byk boot mcm org g gig.. aku pun dh tahu ni..
ni msti bdk gig yg lain ni..mcm kteorg..ahahaha
yg best nyer ader ubat nyamuk n kipas lg tukar seluar terus baring n lelap jer mte..
terus lelap jer tanpe pk aper2...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(14.03.2009)gig plg hebat pd ku sblm nie...hangat beb..hehe

hmm mcm biase hri nie cerah tp aku still target ujan nyer kjp lg..
so gig aku nk g ni kt muar, kt dewan jubli intan berdekatn the store..
so aku g ngn tebu beb... hehehe
aku pn x tahu nape jd pegi...
leh lak naik bas lak 2...
member aku tebu still nk aku naik mtr dgn dier..
tp aku bri alsan tkut ujan...
sbb kalo ujan bdn aku blh krem...
hmm sebab bdn aku blum baik dr kemalangn ngeri tu...
tp pun aku msh blh berdiri..alhamdulilah..
tp disebalik tu jg ader citer ngeri utk aku simpan sndiri..
tuhan maha ampun lg mengasihi dan ingin hambanya taubat...
hmm so blik pd citer asal, aku cuak naik mtr sbnrnya..
lbh lg org bwk aku n aku bwk org.. cuma kalo dh terdesak bru aku berani..
so tibe kt sne kteorg mcm pelancong asing..hehe
sbb kteorg x tahu jln lansung nk ke dewan 2..
semngat yg berkobar still cri org nk tnyer..
hmm ni pun susah gak nie..bkn seme org peramah atau tahu tempat kt ctu..
so aku cri toke kdai..
mungkin diorang berniaga c ni,
tahu kot ckit2 jln nyer...
so ble tahu ckit jln 2...
kiteorg pn jumpa dwn tue...bsr gak lah...
so pg jer msk kt dlm terperanjat aku tgk slogan youth 4 palestin..
ntah aku mcm rase mcm x kne jer tema dier..
so aku wat dunno jer lah..janji aku nk pogo pling gns punyer..grrrhh
so msk2 dgr bunyi gtr yg kuat tp aku rase perut aku bunyi lg kuat..
so dgn layu n kaku nyer aku tgk band yg tgh perform..
so aku mcm nk roger tebu nk pg mkn..tgh nk tnyer die yg bersuare dlu kn..
so aku terus sokong ah...fuh kenyang beb lps singgah kdai mamak tu..
so go on wit the gig tue..
band yg aku tgu plague of happiness muncul..ahahahaa
pogo lah beb.. hehe fuh mmg ganas lbh 30 org pogo dpn aku...
chaos gle babi beb... aku pn x tahu berape byk penumbuk n terajang aku kene..sme gak aku pn kaci blik.. mmg intim beb kteorg ahahaha
last yg wat aku terkedu hbs mcm nk nangis band revenge lah die nyanyi lagu ank liar...huhu x sangka aku ingt dpt dgr mp3 jer, tp live walaupn band lain yg nyanyi still gempak..syj/ sofea to me u a legend...
cume metal jer aku kurang nk msk still nk dgr gak, kter suke muzik...
aahahaha lps ni member aku nk plan g gig kt k.l..
ni mmg pogo hbs beb..sebab nie gig punk rock yeahhhhh grrrrrr A

Thursday, March 12, 2009

hri aku angin sgt kt classmate aku.huhu

so hri ni setelah d janji kn en.razak aku ptut amik test dier..
so tgu lh pnye tgu, hti yg risau kot...
ckali dier msk dh ler lmbt lps tu, dier ckp bende lain lak kt kls,
aku mcm bengang pn ader, dh janji kot,
lps tu dier tnyer sape x dpt lg kertas quiz,
aku lg lh plik, mcm nk mengamuk pn ader...
kte test, aleh2 quiz lak ni...
ni kwn aku kencing ker aper nie..
fuh serabut beb otk aku,,
yelah x nk reapeat kot next sem,,
tu mcm struggle gle nie...
hmmm so en. ni ckp esk bru test or quiz utk aku n lelain yg x dtg..
so mne yg dier dh tnde pnye kertas quiz/test dier ksi lh blik..
aku just nk tgk seimbas lalu jer...
diorang pnyer kedekut...peh rase aku nk terajang kaw3
tp aku percaya ni bukan hri aku...
so dgn rehda, aku just let it be n let go, fast the destiny dgn gagah tanpa harap kt org mcm dier...

semalam yg hangat..huhu(11,mac,2009)

erm hi... ni ptut smlm aku tulis... sbb kn server yg selalu down.. aku xleh nk wat pape..adui3...
semalam hujan tp yg wat mlm aku hangat ahahaha
aku jual nsi grg kg pns beb...cuak gak ingt x laku sbb first time,
amik lak 25 bungkus, tp dgn hati yg ksg n tekad
gua reda setiap blik dgn senyuman terpakse ahahah..
ape2 pn alhamdulilah lh hbs gak gua jual..
tp kekadang tu pedas gak mulut kwn gua ni, pds mcm nsi grg gua.
dah lah x bli nk complain mcm dh mkn lak.. name pn kwn ak..???!!
aper2 pn yg plik tokan yg tolak nsi kt aku pn nk bli gak kt aku tu...
huhu mmg plik,
ingt nk budget stu tu untuk aku, yelah terliur gak tgk nsi grg tu..
hmm x pe lah kwn pnyer psl nk kenyang whatever lh gua lpr..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Selepas server ade kot...still mcm siput babi...Ahhhggrr

hmm server aku wat hal jer.. wat aku terpakse tulis blik eeeeeeeee....
hr ni selasa so ader lah psr mlm kt tmpt aku ni..
lauk pauk kt c ni best2 gak lah...
ader yg mhl ader yg murah...still de best rojak dier..
tp yg pasti aku nk tgk awek yg cun lg seksi..ahahaha..
gua mmg mate keranjang beb...
jumpe lh bdk yg aku minat sgt tu kt psr td..kebetulan hujan lak..
so dier dgn payung lh td..
aku mcm serba slh nk teguh ble dier ckp dier x interested kwn dgn aku...huhu
agak liar mulut gurl nie.. tp gua respect gak kt dier at least frankly..
so aku trime frankly lah penyataan yg agk liar kot...
so dh smpy blik gua pn mkn..
n then ader lah senat(gle mic) ni wat announce yg sme warga kolej

sebelum server down...GRRRrr!!!

hmm wuhoo hri ni hri tuesday..!! mean ader psr mlm kt campus aku..
lauk, kuih, bju, brg pc, nasi grg, nsi lmak, mee grg, ahahaha
yg pling best tgk ank dara kot(???) berpusu2 g psr ader yg tgu bas...
tp aper yg pasti seme ader matlamat ahaha..
tp td aku nmpk bdk yg aku minat, hmm pendek jer citer dier.. aku kne reject dgn gurl nie.. aku just nk kwn jer... dier x sudi... it's ok lah...whatever huhu..
just nk get use into it, like this kind of situation... walaupun serabuk pn ader...
hmm lps kt kolej lak, ader anaucement dr senat(gle mic) kalo blh nk buka volume smpy hbis bile nk anounce tu..konon nk budak ni aware n follow..ahaha nonsense lah pondan ni... seme warga sr trun ke pi(masjid) utk sembahyang berjamaah, n menyambut mauridulrasul

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maulidurasul 9.3.2008

Hmm 09.03.2009 Mauridulrasul hari nie.. nk wat per ek kt klj sr yg sunyi ni..
kalo hari raya ader lah mak aku masak2 byk2...
kalo new year mlm sbelum 2 dah standby...huhu party...
kalo krismas lpak kt kg. pertugis.ahaha pgi 2 main air lah..
kalo mne yg pgi the cube pn bantai main air...
kalo g gig all out hbs beb...kate release tension..
kalo ader awek kt dpn tu tembab habis lh ahaha..
tp pape pn aku termenung gak kter melayu..
islam lak tu.... tp aku x mcm sepatutnya...
delima beb sbb aku suke muzik r n r lak tu...
aku mmg feel hbs gle....kalo blh nk wat band rnr kn...
hmm tp aper2 pn aku sedar, sme ni x der makne lansung..
cume hiburan seketika... mcm hisap rokok gak kot..
tp yg bestnyer aku lbh open mainded lak...
hmm sori tulis sekerat lak hri ni hehe..
cume yg aku nk sampy kn ialah sme2 kte menyambut mauridulrasul dgn hti yg ikhlas..